If you have more than one job that pays into the LGPS, you'll get a separate annual benefit statement for each. Your payroll number and employer name are on your statement, so you'll be able to tell which post the statement relates to.
Your State Pension date is on your statement because this is the date all your LGPS benefits are payable unreduced. If you take your benefits earlier, they'll be reduced. More information is on our page, when you can take your pension.
Your pension and lump sum
Your total pension built up to 31 March is quoted at an annual rate, like a salary would be. Your lump sum is the one-off, tax free amount you would receive when you take your benefits.
An automatic lump sum is normally only due to members who had active membership before 1 April 2008. All members however may opt to convert some of their annual pension to lump sum when they take their benefits.
You can find out more by visiting how your pension is worked out.
Final salary benefits
If you have membership before 1 April 2014, this will be shown in the final salary section.
Before 1 April 2008, the pension for this period is based on 1/80 of final pensionable pay, which is shown as at 31 March. A lump sum based on 3/80 is also due for this period of membership.
Between 1 April 2008 and 31 March 2014, the pension is based on 1/60 of final pensionable pay.
The applicable periods of membership are shown in years and days. If you worked part time during those periods, the years and days are reduced.
CARE benefits
From 1 April 2014, LGPS benefits are built up on a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) basis. Every year 1/49 of your actual pay is added to your pension record. The CARE pension you've built up is then revalued every April in line with inflation.
If you've been in the 50/50 section of the scheme (where you build up pension at half the rate as the main section), for some or all of the year up to 31 March, your pay used to work out your CARE pension in each section will be shown.
Your death in service lump sum
If you want to make or change your nomination details for a lump sum that may be payable if you die, please complete the Expression of Wish form attached to this page.
Tax limits apply to pension savings. If you have exceeded either the lifetime allowance or the annual allowance, you should seek independent financial advice.
Lifetime allowance
The lifetime allowance (LTA) is the total amount of pension you can build up from all your pension savings over your lifetime before you have to pay a tax charge.
The statement shows as a percentage how much of the LTA you have used.
Annual allowance
The annual allowance is a limit on the value that your pension benefits can grow by in a tax year. You may have to pay a tax charge if your increase in pension benefits exceeds the limit.
We'll write to you in the October following your statement if you have exceeded the annual allowance.
Links to useful documents