To change your bank details, we need you to contact our payroll department.
You can use the form on this page to do this.
If you prefer to write to us, please include the following in your letter:
- your full name
- your pension payroll number (shown on the latest pension payslip we sent you) or your National Insurance number
- your old bank details (name of bank, sort code and account number)
- your new bank details (name of bank, sort code and account number)
- daytime telephone number
Your pension will be paid into your new account from the next available payday, so to make sure we make payment to your new account, you will need to write to us by the 10th of the month.
If we receive your form or letter after that date, we may be unable to apply your new bank details until the following month.
The postal address for our payroll department is:
Pensions Payroll
HR Services
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall
Please note, we can't change your bank details from a telephone call, email or text message.
Links to useful documents