You can find the various ways you can contact Derbyshire Pension Fund on this page:
Frequently asked questions
Before you contact us, you may find the answer you need on our frequently asked questions page.
Online forms
We have 7 quick and easy secure online forms you can complete:
Enquiry form - Submit your questions to us quickly and easily online.
Change of address form - Let us know if you have a new address.
Deferred benefits request form - If you're a deferred member, you can use this form to start the process to request payment of your deferred pension.
Feedback form - Tell us about your recent experience with us. You can also use this form to raise an informal complaint.
Complaint form - If you've already raised an informal complaint and aren't happy with our response, use this form to raise a formal complaint.
Death notification form - Report the death of a member to us.
My Pension Online access form - Tell us your personal email address so we can prepare your pension record for online access.
Call us
Our pension helpline is open weekdays Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm.
You'll need to answer 2 security questions in order for us to discuss your enquiries.
Confidential, sensitive and financial information cannot be discussed over the phone.
Write to us
We'll try to respond to written enquiries within 10 working days. If your query is complex or requires third party information, you may receive a written acknowledgement.