
A brief summary of our investment holdings as at 31 March 2024:

  • total investment assets of the fund - £6,463 million
  • equities - £3,286 million
  • bonds - £1,504 million
  • property - £447 million
  • alternatives - £976 million
  • cash - £250 million

How we manage our investments

We invest employee and employer contributions to generate long term income and capital returns. This supports the payment of our members’ pension benefits.

Derbyshire County Council’s Director of Finance and ICT and our in-house investment team are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund’s investments.

Our investments are managed by:

  • our Fund's in-house team on an active basis
  • LGPS Central Limited (a company established to manage investments on behalf of 8 LGPS pension funds across the Midlands)
  • external managers where the appropriate skills aren't available internally, or through LGPS Central Limited

Our long-term investment strategy

Our Pensions and Investments Committee set and approve the long term investment strategy of the Fund. They also approve the quarterly tactical allocations to asset classes.

You can find copies of the quarterly Pensions and Investments Committee investment reports on the Derbyshire County Council democracy website.

The committee has approved a long-term investment strategy that aims to:

  • maximise the returns from investments within acceptable levels of risk
  • contribute to the Fund having sufficient assets available to meet benefit payments
  • enable employer contributions to be kept as stable as possible

Our investment beliefs are set out in our Investment Strategy Statement.

The valuation report of the Fund's investment holdings is available on the Derbyshire County Council democracy website as part of the quarterly Investment Report to our Pensions and Investments Committee.