County Hall

The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) for councillors in England became a closed scheme on 1 April 2014.

No new councillors could join the scheme from 1 April 2014, but those who were contributing to the scheme on 31 March 2014 were able to continue to contribute to the scheme until their term of office which they were undertaking at that time ended, or they reached age 75 if earlier.

Councillors were not be able to rejoin the LGPS for any subsequent term of office which they served or are currently serving.

After their period of active membership of the LGPS, councillors’ pensions became deferred until they decide to take their pension.

Councillors will have received full details of the amount of pension benefit built up after their period of scheme membership ended.

Deferred pension benefits are payable from age 65, but councillors can (subject to a reduction in benefits), elect to take their pension on or after the age of 50. Any election before the age of 55, would require their council’s consent and may be subject to significant tax charges.

Full details of the councillors’ pension scheme are available on the national LGPS member website where the 'LGPS Councillors update' can also be found.