Good practice

Our current Administration Strategy is attached to this page.

As a Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) employer, you have a responsibility not only to the scheme and Derbyshire Pension Fund as the administering authority, but more importantly to the members you employ.

The Administration Strategy sets out what to expect of us and what we expect from you, including charges for poor performing employers.

The Communications policy details how we will be changing the way we share information with employers and members.

Please take the time to have a look through the strategy and policy, as they set out in some detail:

  • how the partnership between you as a scheme employer and ourselves ensures that we provide your employees who are LGPS members, with a quality pension service
  • plans for continuing to improve our communications with our scheme employers and scheme members in the period to 2024

The Administration Strategy and Communications Policy are reviewed annually. If you have any comments or proposals, please email us: