We appreciate that some of the information required on our forms may initially appear complex or excessive, so here you can find guidance to help you complete our forms and help you to understand why the information requested is important.
Properly filled in forms will save valuable time. It also means we can act on your instructions much quicker, which will improve our service to your Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) eligible employees and help maintain compliance with statutory regulations.
A guidance document about calculating final pay, where there has been an unpaid absence, is attached to this page.
Term time workers
When providing final pay to us, please ensure that the full-time equivalent pay is reduced for term time workers. Our leaver forms can do this for you, as the payment days fields can be adjusted on our "best of 3 calculator" tab.
Signing forms
For audit and security reasons, where our forms are signed by someone on behalf of an LGPS employer, this person’s specimen signature and contact details should be logged with Derbyshire Pension Fund as an authorised signatory. We therefore require that forms are signed, rather than just having the name of the authorised signatory typed onto the form.
There are a number of ways to sign a form without the need to print, sign by hand and then scan the form to enable it to be emailed.
You can sign our forms in Microsoft Edge by selecting “Draw” on the toolbar. You can then save the form so it can be attached to an email.
If you are using another internet browser, download or save the form and then select “Fill & Sign” in Adobe Acrobat, or “Annotate” if using another PDF viewer. You can then add your signature.
The following is a step-by-step guide to electronic signing using Adobe Acrobat DC software, which most computers have installed:
- After completing and saving your form in Excel (or Word), click 'File' then 'Save As' selecting 'Save as type: PDF’ from the drop-down list of file types.
- If Adobe Acrobat is your default PDF viewer, and the option 'Open file after publishing' is ticked, it will then open in Adobe Acrobat after clicking save.
- Now in Adobe Acrobat, you can select 'Tools' then 'Fill & Sign' and then 'Sign and Add Signature'.
- Choose 'Draw' from the pop-up box and sign with your mouse and then choose 'Apply'.
- You can then place the signature on the form where you want it and Adobe Acrobat will save the signature for future use on other documents.
- Finally, click 'Save' and your form will be ready to be securely emailed to us at dpf.employers@derbyshire.gov.uk
Links to useful documents