Two people holding a pound sign

The data captured by monthly returns, and where applicable, the year-end return, is the backbone of the Fund. Without the returns and the contribution payments from our Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) employers, we can't administer the LGPS for our members.

CR1 form

The CR1 is the monthly contribution return form and records the employer and employee LGPS contributions for the period.

Email with the return by the 19th of the month following the month the contributions relate to. For example, the form and the contributions payment for October must be received by the fund by 19 November.

We'll issue a new CR1 to each scheme employer to use from 1 April each year. As we're unable to reconcile contribution payments without the accompanying CR1, we have a duty to the members and the Pensions Regulator to monitor and report late submissions. If there's an unforeseen issue preventing the submission of your payment or CR1, please contact us urgently.

Year-end return

Employers who have not implemented the i-Connect secure data transmission service have been required to submit a return at the end of the scheme year, which runs from 1 April to 31 March. The deadline for the year-end return for 2024 to 2025 is 25 April 2024.

All employers are required to implement i-Connect for data submissions. Where employers don't submit data through i-Connect, a charge based on costs for the maintenance of non i-Connect procedures such as the year-end return, may be applied.

The implications of late returns

A late or incorrect return directly affects your employees. Until the year-end data has been reconciled, we can't issue their statutory annual benefit statements.

Accurate and timely data is vital and late or inaccurate returns cause additional administration costs which the fund can recharge to employers. It also causes delays in services to scheme members such as finalising retirement payments and providing pension estimates.

Resources and support

It’s important that you let us know as soon as possible about any problems relating to your data submissions or payments of contributions.

We're here to work with you and will assist you whenever possible. If you have any queries or need any assistance, or the CR1 form, please email:


Employers who have implemented the i-Connect secure data transmission service are not required to submit a year-end return.