Bunch of keys on a rack

We'd like to welcome you to our fund if you're:

  • joining the LGPS for the first time
  • returning to us after a break
  • joining us from being an LGPS member in a different part of the country. 

What is a pension?

A pension is a way of saving for your future retirement. It's important to start planning early to make sure you'll have enough money for your later life. 

Our fund is part of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), which is a defined benefit scheme. As a member of our fund, you and your employer pay towards the cost of your pension. Payroll take your contributions before they work out your tax, so you receive tax relief. It’s easy to join if you’re eligible.  


This LGPS video explains the scheme, the importance of saving for later life, how to become a member, who’s eligible and contributions. For subtitles select ‘CC’ (closed captions).